MHRP is partnering with the Makerere University Walter Reed Project (MUWRP) in Uganda to conduct a novel HIV vaccine study called “RapidVax,” which recently started in March 2024. This study (RV591) combines experimental HIV vaccines with a novel dose escalation strategy with the goal of improving the body’s immune response.
When an HIV infection occurs, the virus rapidly makes copies of itself and spreads throughout the body, making it difficult for the body to mount an effective immune response. This rapid vaccination strategy mimics those early-stage viral dynamics by administering vaccines more frequently than the traditional vaccine schedule. Researchers hypothesize that with RapidVax’s repeated immune system stimulation the body can better defend itself against infection.
The experimental vaccines are Ad26.Mos4.HIV and CH505 TF chTrimer, which will be mixed with the Army Liposomal Formulation (ALFQ) adjuvant. The candidate vaccines are provided by Janssen and Duke University, respectively, and ALFQ was developed at WRAIR. The Rapidvax study is funded by the Division of AIDS, NIAID, U.S. National Institutes of Health and sponsored by the U.S. Army.
The principal investigator, Dr. Grace Mirembe, applauds the collaborative partnership. “Working together, we are pushing the science forward in HIV vaccine development in Africa” she said.